Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No Hospital! Woohoo!

The good news is that my mom is at home tonight - so thankful to not be in the hospital. It was confirmed today that she does have a bacterial infection that was most likely caused by strong antibiotics. She is now on a specific antibiotic to treat the infection, and we hope the infection will be knocked out soon!

Thanks so much for all of the support - the cards and calls have been wonderful. At this time, my mom is still not feeling up to having visitors. We are hoping to see her turn a corner here pretty soon and start feeling better. She is a trooper!!


Anonymous said...

We love you Ms. Sharon and praying, praying and praying for complete healing.

Rebecca said...

I'm soo glad your Mom isn't in the hospital again!! i will continue to pray for her healing and complete recovery.

Anonymous said...

This is Kathy Roebuck in Alabama. We continue to pray for your family and especially Sharon. Hang in there. There are lots of folks praying for you all even this far away.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, We've been thinking about you so often. We're sorry to hear about your set back and will be praying for complete healing! We love you- the Mahan's

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Sharon just wanted to let you know Im praying for your continual healing and hope for a complete healing and recovery. God will get you through every difficult situation. I love you.
-Peter Mahan